select description from bands where id=4087 
 | The Mayor Vocals, Baritone Sax, The Mayor, 1/2 of Bad & Attitude [email protected]
Born and raised in Victoria The Westside Gringo is setting his sights on bringing down the current corrupt political system which stands corrupt, unjust, and is a financial burden to the people of the country. The excessive, lavish lifestyles of political identities and government officials must come to an end. His campaign for Mayor of Victoria is almost ready to be brought into the public eye, pending political contributions by several independant busineses, and ongoing education.
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 | Hobo Organ/Guitar/Vox [email protected]
After escaping the prairies from what could have been the worst life ever, the hobo made it to the city of permanent bum-outs. Now plays in a band with permanent bum-outs.
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 | Bobby The Beast guitar
..and the rivers did flow with the blood of the unbelievers...
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 | The Professor Alto Sax [email protected]
The (stoned)Professor joined in the summer of 2002 after numerous (stoned)side projects since the 2000 break up of Dave, (stoned)Brandon and Nev's previous band, Tripwyre. The Professor runs the PA, the website and is most likeley to be (stoned)baked on stage. He is the most learned (stoned) in musical theory and helps us (stoned)uneducated bastards get through some of the more tricky (stoned)chord arrangements.
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 | Shane SmaSh ShiT [email protected]
When where who? And how the fuck did this happen.
Why Is This that? and when did where go wrong? When did wrong go right?
How did that to what and where did that go wrong?
Why. Why. WHy.
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 | Liam Quinn Bass/ VOX/ n/a
Liam has left in his van and travelled through douche-katoon, douche-St. Marie and ended up in douche Edward Island were he is perfecting the art of cooking mac and cheese...what a douche. |
 | Gorgeous Gord The Ford Band Van [email protected]
Gord. She's not much to look at, but she's got a heart of pure gold, and a great personality. She's our big beautiful butchy baby.
Gord is the toughest van on the road today; no doubt about it.
Most people laugh at us and say we are crazy for driving a van like Gord, but she's faithfully hauled seven dudes, a full P.A. system, an oversized trailer, and eight flats of Pabst Blue Ribbon, not to mention all our gear, against unspeakable odds. Gord never flinched once through more than eighty shows from Tofino, BC to Winnipeg, MN. She's weathered three epic western Canadian tours through mountainous passes,West Coast Rainstorms and prairie blizzards; conditions that have ruined many a prettier van.
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